
Find out if you’re eligible for registration discounts, including special rates for new AIA members, plus discounts on hotels, airfare, and more to help maximize your budget.

Discounts on select passes to AIA25

Plus savings on hotels, airfare, & more!

Registration opens in March, but you can start planning your trip now. See how much you’ll save as an AIA member or student, plus special registration rates for Associate members, Emeritus members, and new AIA members. See complete terms and conditions below.

Not a member? Join AIA and register at the $159 new member rate—a savings of up to $1,300+ compared to the non-member rate.

The $159 new member offer is valid for first-time new Architect, Associate, Associate New Graduate, and International Associate members who join AIA between June 9, 2024, and June 7, 2025. Former members, local and national allied or affiliate members, and associate members who upgrade their membership to architect are not eligible for this offer. This offer is not transferable and is a one-time offer.

This offer is not related to any other local or state AIA chapter recruitment, dues, or assessment requirements. Membership dues must be paid in full to receive $159 conference registration.

This offer is valid for current full-time students in an undergraduate or graduate architecture program and current AIAS members in good standing. Valid proof of eligibility is required. Students must use their .edu email address to register. AIA reserves sole discretion to determine eligibility. Note: AIAS alumni and AIAS faculty members are not eligible for the discount.

This offer is valid for current Associate members of AIA and does not apply to other AIA membership categories including International Associate, National Allied, Local Allied, or Affiliate members. Membership dues must be paid in full to receive this discount, and AIA reserves sole discretion to determine eligibility.

This offer is valid for current Emeritus members of AIA and is not transferrable. AIA reserves sole discretion to determine eligibility.

Volunteer your time at AIA25 and receive free registration!

Volunteers receive free registration in exchange for 8 hours of required volunteer shifts. The registration fee must be paid upfront and then will be fully refunded at the end of the event as long as the required shifts are completed.

Interested? Please email us to apply and sign up! Once approved, you’ll receive a special promo code to register and additional information about volunteer roles and how to sign up for shifts.

Get guaranteed lowest rates when you book your hotel through AIA’s official housing vendor, MCI. Take your pick from nearly 30 Boston hotels.

Learn more about booking in our hotel block & browse perks >

Save on your airfare with special discounts for AIA25 attendees!


  • Book your flight via SWABIZ® using this link, or with promo code 99214032.
  • Discount valid for travel between 6/1/2025 and 6/10/2025.