Conservation & Change: Boston City Hall & Plaza

Additional fee, registration required.

As Boston City Hall nears its 60th birthday, the city has begun transforming its nine stories of concrete into a space that is open, welcoming, and accessible to all. How do you conserve a masterwork of concrete modernism while allowing for transformation and change? Join us to explore the history of the building and its plaza—and how renovations are preserving the building''s significance and the original design intent. The designers and historians behind the Rethink City Hall master plan, conservation management plan, and recent building and plaza renovations will lead this tour, with appearances by city representatives and guests.

Learning Objectives

  1. Learn about the significance behind this iconic building’s proposal and design intent, especially as it relates to Boston’s historical, political, and architectural context.
  2. Gain critical understanding of the thoughtful design approaches behind the many adaptations and renovations that have stemmed from the Rethink City Hall master plan and Conservation Management Plan, in light of a combined pursuit for more accessible and transparent public spaces.
  3. Discern the key design strategies that define the relationship between the newly renovated plaza with its historic urban context and the City Hall building.
  4. Gain exposure to the operational side of the building and its plan for longevity, through commentary and input from key City Hall personnel.