ET204 – Walking Tour: Resilient Federal Triangle in a Changing Environment

Additional fee, registration required.

The Federal Triangle is highly vulnerable to river, coastal, storm surge, and interior flooding from heavy rainfall. In fact, a 2006 flood exposed the collections of the Smithsonian museums, the National Gallery of Art, and National Archives, and destroyed critical parts of the Internal Revenue Service headquarters.

This tour will highlight opportunities for integrated solutions for flood resilience in an urban environment—strategies that balance the historical and cultural values of existing buildings. You'll learn about identifying risk, implementing hazard resistant design and construction, and enhancing policies through public and private partnership and collaboration.

This is a bus tour.

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Learning Objectives

  1. Assess compound risk from different flooding sources to community assets in an urban environment.
  2. Learn to optimize your role in designing and retrofitting climate resilient buildings.
  3. Become equipped to incorporate flood resistant measures when designing and retrofitting historical buildings.
  4. Witness the impact of valuable partnership and collaboration among public and private sectors in building community resilience.