WE302 – Changing Enclosures for a Changing Climate

Blistering temperatures. Intense rain. Alternating periods of snow and drought. Devastating windstorms. These changes are challenging the performance of building enclosures—and demanding new strategies.

All evidence points to traditional practices becoming less adequate in the face of such forces. As existing buildings begin to show cracks in long records of stellar performances, what comes next?

This BPKC-sponsored seminar will open with a presentation before breaking out into design brainstorming sessions focused on different climate zones. These sessions will strategize new enclosure assemblies and details—working together to improve enclosure performance, make buildings more resilient, and optimize energy efficiency.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify the changing climatic forces that are challenging to building enclosure design and altering the design parameters for long-term energy efficiency.
  2. Analyze how previously successful enclosure design strategies may be insufficient and identify enhancements to accommodate the new climatic conditions.
  3. Learn how some existing buildings that have performed adequately in the past may "tip over" into problem structures with issues like moisture intrusion.
  4. Examine the interrelationship of enclosure design to resilient design for passive performance and discuss long-term energy savings and reduced operational carbon loads.