Architectural Tour of the Longfellow & Appleton Bridges

Additional fee, registration required.

This tour will explore the aesthetic, architectural, and engineering goals of the restoration and design of the Longfellow and Frances Appleton Pedestrian bridges, two stunning structures located near the Esplanade along the Charles River. 

The Longfellow has been a Boston landmark for over a century, while the Appleton is an iconic contemporary bridge. The Appleton, named after the wife of local poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, was designed to visually complement the Longfellow to create a harmonious ensemble.

Learning Objectives

  1. Review key qualities and design features of these two bridges, including structural type, detailing, and solutions to technical requirements and site conditions.
  2. Find out how a contemporary bridge can visually and symbolically complement an adjacent historic landmark bridge without imitation or replication of historic details in compliance with historic preservation and urban design objectives.
  3. Consider the aesthetic and architectural characteristics that helped make possible the bridges' seamless integration with their surroundings, significantly enhancing the area for all users.
  4. Explore the role of a bridge architect as part of the overall engineering and construction team within the context of these important bridges.