Vincent Martinez

President & COO

Architecture 2030

Through his 19-year tenure at Architecture 2030, Vincent Martinez has been working to solve the climate crisis by catalyzing built environment decarbonization efforts through the development and activation of robust networks focused on private sector commitments, education, training, and public policies. Vincent has facilitated the collective impact of a large spectrum of industry partners and organizations to create local, regional, national and international initiatives and programs.

Vincent previous acted as the 2030 Districts Network Interim Director from 2013 to 2016, helping co-found the 2030 Districts model that has now been adopted by 22 North American cities and a founding member of the 2030 Districts Network Board of Governors. Vincent also formerly managed the development and dissemination of the AIA+2030 Professional Education Series, which provided design professionals in 27 markets across North America with strategies for reaching zero net carbon building operations and has since been developed into an AIA online education series. Through his work with the Zero Cities Project, a collaboration with national partners and 11 leading US cities, he led the development of Achieving Zero, a framework of incremental actions that cities and governments can put in place to ensure carbon neutral built environments by 2040. Vincent has most recently been leading Architecture 2030’s delegations at international climate convenings, including the UN Climate Conference COP28 in December 2024 and the Buildings and Climate Global Forum in 2024 hosted by the UN Environment Program and the Government of France.

Vincent is an honorary member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and was the 2018 chair of the AIA Energy Leadership Group, a former member of the AIA Sustainability Leadership Group, and is the 2022 chair of the AIA Committee on Climate Action and Design Excellence.