SOM Associate Principal Julia Grabazs, AIA is dedicated to promoting student-centered learning experiences and advancing institutional goals for education and science clients. She begins her projects by immersing herself in an institution’s culture, understanding the diverse perspectives of students, staff, and faculty on a project, and uniting those perspectives into a single design vision. Through more than a decade at SOM, she has emerged as a leader in reimagining the way our science and education clients teach, learn, and research in the 21st century.
Pedagogy and scientific research are ever-changing fields, and in all of Julia’s work—from a library and campus heart at Barnard College, to a state-of-the-art K-12 school for Success Academy, and to a new facility for the New York City Public Health Laboratory—she has designed spaces that have the flexibility to evolve in the future. In addition to her projects in New York City, Julia has been instrumental to SOM’s work at MIT, Wellesley College, and Temple University.