Walkable Boston: Lighting the Urban Nightscape

Additional fee, registration required.

How does lighting shape our experience of public spaces? Join us for a night walk through Boston to explore exterior lighting influences our perception of safety, visibility, and community identity. Through observation and discussion, we’ll examine design solutions that reduce glare, minimize light pollution, and foster a sense of place. We’ll also critically examine how lighting signifies the power and prosperity of a community, or lack thereof. Attendees will leave with practical insights into designing safe, sustainable, and equitable outdoor lighting to enhance urban environments.

Learning Objectives

  1. Explore how lighting can create safe and welcoming environments by balancing brightness, contrast, and visibility in public spaces.
  2. Identify design strategies and fixture selections that reduce glare, prevent light trespass, and support dark-sky initiatives for environmental sustainability.
  3. Understand how thoughtful lighting design aids navigation, highlights architectural features, and ensures accessibility at night.
  4. Examine how lighting contributes to the character and mood of public spaces, fostering social interaction and community engagement.