Buildings contribute significantly to global carbon emissions, especially in dense urban areas. In response, cities like New York and Boston are adopting low-energy, high-performance building standards, including passive house, for large multifamily and mixed-use buildings. Besides reducing carbon emissions, passive house creates healthier living environments that are more affordable to operate and maintain. Join us to hear from leading design firms on their successful implementation of passive house strategies in large-scale urban buildings. You'll learn about the technologies they have adopted and examine the products that have enabled them to integrate passive house principles into their standard practices.
Learning Objectives
- Review various approaches and concepts for applying the passive house design standard to large, multistory buildings, including strategies for material selection.
- Explore the differences between prescriptive and performance-based design standards and how the passive house performance-based standard offers flexibility in meeting diverse program, client, and budgetary requirements.
- Hear from the design teams that were involved in the projects about the challenges and lessons learned from various large-scale passive house buildings.
- Future Readiness: Explore potential trends and anticipated changes in IBC 2027, preparing architects to proactively adapt their practices for future developments.
- Todd Kimmel
US Senior Manager - Sustainable Solutions - ROCKWOOL