Maintaining Relevance in a Time of Disruptive Technology

The intriguing premise of this session is that professional practice will change radically over the next five to 10 years. Rather than viewing this as a threat, though, it can be a great opportunity—if you act now to adapt and take charge of those changes. Join us for a road map for this transformation. You'll also explore the difference between a digital services company, which most of our firms are today, and a data-enabled business, which our firms will need to become to thrive in the future.

Learning Objectives

  1. Examine the forces at work that are poised to transform professional practice.
  2. Analyze the difference between a digital services company and a data-enabled business—and what you must do to make that transition.
  3. Consider how advances in technology can enhance our professional duty to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the public at large.
  4. Discuss what you must do to adapt and move forward as technology transforms our role in designing the built environment.