Building Boldly: The Integrated Approach At 10 World Trade

Additional fee, registration required.

Building off AIA24's "Why Build Bold?" presentation, walk through one of Boston's iconic developments: 10 World Trade. Ground-floor retail and cultural programming pair with a lush public park to showcase the power of an inclusive public realm within private development.

10 World Trade exemplifies an integrated design approach, seamlessly blending landscape, architecture, interiors, and structural engineering to deliver a holistic, universally accessible experience. Explore cutting-edge sustainable design and resilience strategies in one of Boston''s most vulnerable floodplains, which also drives innovative climate-positive design through state-of-the-art facade and building systems.

Arrive curious. Leave informed. Remain inspired.

Learning Objectives

  1. Practice strategies to integrate architecture with landscape to enrich a pedestrian's full building and neighborhood experience.
  2. Discover collaborative processes that use structural engineering to turn site constraints into opportunities to shape and define major building formations efficiently and cost-effectively.
  3. Examine new facade systems that utilize electrochromatic and triple-pane glazing to deliver high performance and stunning aesthetics.
  4. Discuss strategies for long-term resilience through energy-efficient building system design, raised ground-floor elevations, critical building infrastructures, and biodiversity and ecological planting approaches.