ET303 – Conflict Zones: An Interactive Community Listening Tour

Additional fee, registration required.

In an era of sweeping community change, conflict and mistrust have become increasingly prevalent in development conversations. The next generation of architects will need to acquire facilitative leadership skills and understand dynamics of community change to be effective problem solvers.

This tour provides the opportunity to visit key areas and sites that have been the location of recent development conflicts in Alexandria and Arlington. You'll meet community representatives and hear their perspectives on development conflict, community change, and the tools needed to support the healthy development in the region.

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Learning Objectives

  1. Gain an understanding of the important changes affecting the Metropolitan D.C. region, particularly Alexandria and Arlington.
  2. Explore the community dynamics affecting planning and development conversations across the region—moving beyond simple NIMBY narratives to appreciate the nuances of community opposition and backlash.
  3. Get the perspectives of community activists on community change and development conflict and develop an understanding of how residents are struggling with change so you can apply more facilitative design thinking to regional challenges.
  4. Discuss multiple community case studies that offer lessons learned and provide promising models that can inform efforts in your own community.

  • Joel Mills
    Senior Director, Communities by Design - AIA