TH105 – AIA Headquarters Renewal: Advocating for a Culture of Belonging

Belonging is a fundamental human need—and now, more than ever, a fundamental element of healthy, high-performing workplaces. And yet 40% of Americans report feeling physically and emotionally isolated at work, harming our physical, mental, and social well-being as a nation.

At AIA, we believe our profession can do better. And we're taking the lead in demonstrating this by creating a culture of belonging in our new workplace. In partnership with EHDD and The Clearing, we're transforming our headquarters to foster a healthy, supportive, dynamic, and engaging workplace experience for our people.

Please join us to learn more about this inspiring initiative.

Learning Objectives

  1. Discover how to make robust, inclusive, and meaningful user engagement part of every project with a framework of tools and strategies to support this objective.
  2. Explore the elements of belonging in the workplace and built environment, from supporting basic human comforts and diverse accommodations to unearthing unique priorities and features to amplify culture and inspire radical inclusion.
  3. Learn how AIA is pivoting toward a new workplace destination and culture centered around collaboration, ideation, belonging, and wellness.
  4. Commit to a successful and co-creative workplace transformation process that considers the entire lifecycle of a project, from idea to implementation.