ET110 – Kennedy Center: Transforming Art Spaces for Inclusion

Additional fee, registration required.

Get a behind-the-scenes tour of the performance spaces at the Kennedy Center and experience how they have been transformed to incorporate accessibility and inclusion for patrons, performers, and operators.

You'll see both the overall design approach and the details that enable access to the arts for all. Along the way, you'll learn how these design techniques enhance operations and create new opportunities for production. This guided tour will explore how the Kennedy Center continues to lead by example to create a more inclusive space for the arts.

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Learning Objectives

  1. Identify design techniques that enhance patron experience and facilitate operations of performing arts spaces.
  2. Discuss strategies that balance stewardship of existing spaces with accessibility requirements.
  3. Learn how collaboration with operators can positively impact inclusive design.
  4. Observe how operations continue to evolve to enhance inclusive experiences.