ET203 – The New Embassy of Australia

Additional fee, registration required.

This journey into the new Embassy of Australia, completed August 2023, showcases the country's design excellence beautifully balanced with the atmosphere of the facility's D.C. location. You'll wander the expansive glass atrium and experience the Australian art exhibit as well as the ceremonial and public function spaces.

Along the way, you'll discuss the façade material choices, which were made with the goal of representing Australia well using sustainable design methodology. The discussion will examine how the design reconciled code compliance for both D.C. and Australian standards—such as life safety, security standards, and products—achieving LEED Gold and a Green Building Council of Australia Green Star rating.

This is a walking tour.

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Learning Objectives

  1. Consider the challenges of designing with two different locations' code requirements.
  2. See strategies for meeting the highest security standards while also providing an inviting public building.
  3. Witness a design that invokes another country's identity while also responding to D.C.'s urban context.
  4. Discuss the incorporation of innovative sustainability features and resiliency in compliance with two different rating systems.