ET314 – Handlekraft & KORO at the Royal Norwegian Embassy

Additional fee, registration required.

A tour of the Royal Norwegian Embassy renovation will offer a rare chance to visit a truly unique building typology specific to the Washington, D.C., region.

You'll experience the renovation and addition to the embassy as a sustainable, functional, and accessible 21st century office environment for foreign diplomats and staff. This exceptional space is imbued with the Norwegian values of Handlekraft (vigor), Arbeidsglede (joy of work), Profesjonalitet (professionalism), and Åpenhet (openness).

Join us to see why the project is the winner of multiple design awards, including the Grand Award from AIA|D.C. 2022, Pinnacle Award for the IIDA Mid-Atlantic 2023, merit award from the AIA Colorado Chapter 2023, and LEED Gold certification.

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Learning Objectives

  1. Discover the history, culture, and tradition of sustainability in Norway and how these features were brought forth in the design of the renovation and addition.
  2. Learn how an Italianate ambassador residence, mid-century modern chancery and consulate, and new garden room aesthetic are woven together into a unified new embassy complex.
  3. Identify the relationship of the Statue of Liberty and the Norwegian Embassy and how tannins play a role in building construction.
  4. Assess the benefits of building reuse, rain gardens, and mass timber as sustainable building solutions.