ET111 – Accessible Cultural Spaces for All on the National Mall

Additional fee, registration required.

The National Mall vividly demonstrates the many ways cultural landmarks can create inclusive—and unforgettable—visitor experiences.

This tour will showcase:
• The National Native American Veterans Memorial, a thoughtful memorial that creates space for remembrance, reflection, and healing within a tranquil landscape.
• The National Museum of Natural History, which balances the preservation of a historic landmark with accessible walkways to welcome all visitors
• The Latino Gallery, where sensory mapping helps assess physical, sensory, social, and emotional visitor responses

Along the way, you'll discuss how to foster collaborative project teams, benefit from user experts, and quantify outcomes with sensory mapping tools

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National Native American Veterans Memorial

Learning Objectives

  1. Witness outcomes that demonstrate how designing accessible and inclusive spaces is good design and a benefit for all visitors.
  2. Learn to design with accessibility and inclusion in mind, honoring traditions from a broad array of cultures.
  3. See how the design process benefitted from the participation of user experts and learn how to assemble your own team.
  4. Analyze how sensory mapping can improve design and help those with different sensory needs plan their visits.