WE105 – Envelope Transitions Detailing Workshop: Where Systems Meet

While the central portions of facades and enclosures often excel in performance, vulnerabilities typically emerge at system intersections, penetrations, projections, and geometry transitions.

Led by our team of enclosure specialists, this workshop will shed light on these potential vulnerabilities through a foundational briefing on pivotal detailing challenges. You'll also have the opportunity to collaborate with panelists and workshop attendees through an interactive design charrette exploring innovative solutions.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify critical areas where vulnerabilities often occur in building facades, including system intersections, penetrations, projections, and geometry transitions.
  2. Gain an in-depth understanding of the intricate detailing challenges that can compromise the resilience and functionality of facades and enclosures.
  3. Develop collaborative problem-solving skills by actively participating in a design charrette with panelists and industry experts—fostering innovative solutions to facade design challenges.
  4. Explore methods to make facades more sustainable, efficient, and resilient—aligning architectural practices with contemporary standards for environmentally responsible construction.